First author publications

  1. Spectral analysis of craters on (101955) Bennu.
    Deshapriya, J. D. P. , Barucci, M. A., Bierhaus, E. B., Fornasier, S., Hasselmann, P. H., Merlin, F., Clark, B. E., Praet, A., Fulchignoni, M., Simon, A. A., Hamilton, Victoria E., Cloutis, E. A., Lantz, C. et al.
    Icarus, Volume 357, article id. 114252 (2021)
  2. Exposed bright features on the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: distribution and evolution.
    J.D.P. Deshapriya, M.A. Barucci, S. Fornasier, P.H. Hasselmann, C. Feller, H. Sierks et al.
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 613, A36 (2018)
  3. Spectrophotometry of the Khonsu region on the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko using OSIRIS instrument images.
    Deshapriya, J. D. P.; Barucci, M. A.; Fornasier, S.; Feller, C.; Hasselmann, P. H.; Sierks, H.; El-Maarry, M. R. et al.
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl 1, S 274-S286 (2016)

Co-author publications

  1. OSIRIS-REx spectral analysis of (101955) Bennu by multivariate statistics.
    M.A. Barucci, P.H. Hasselmann, A. Praet, M. Fulchignoni, J.D.P. Deshapriya et al.
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 637, L4 (2020)
  2. Analysis of night-side dust activity on comet 67P observed by VIRTIS-M: a new method to constrain the thermal inertia on the surface.
    G. Rinaldi, M. Formisano, D. Kappel, F. Capaccioni, D. Bockelée-Morvan, Y.-C. Cheng, J.-B. Vincent, J. D. P. Deshapriya et al.
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 630, A21 (2019)
  3. Spectrophotometric variegation of the layering in comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as seen by OSIRIS.
    G. Tognon, S. Ferrari, L. Penasa, F. La Forgia, M. Massironi, G. Naletto, M. Lazzarin, P. Cambianica, A. Lucchetti, M. Pajola, F. Ferri, C. Güttler, B. Davidsson, J. D. P. Deshapriya et al.
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 630, A16 (2019)
  4. Rosetta/OSIRIS observations of 67P’s nucleus during the April 2016 flyby: high-resolution spectrophotometry.
    C. X. L. Feller, S. Fornasier, S. Ferrari, P.H. Hasselmann, A. Barucci, M. Massironi, J.D.P. Deshapriya et al.
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 630, A9 (2019)
  5. Pronounced morphological changes in a southern active zone on comet 67P/Churyumov- Gerasimenko.
    P.H. Hasselmann, M. A. Barucci, S. Fornasier, D. Bockelee-Morvan, J.D.P. Deshapriya et al.
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 630, A8 (2019)
  6. Linking surface morphology, composition and activity on the nucleus of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
    S. Fornasier, V.H. Hoang, P.H. Hasselmann, C. Feller, M.A. Barucci, J.D.P Deshapriya, H. Sierks et al.
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 630, A7 (2019)
  7. Multivariable statistical analysis of spectrophotometry and spectra of (162173) Ryugu as observed by JAXA Hayabusa2 mission.
    M.A. Barucci, P.H. Hasselmann, M. Fulchignoni, R. Honda, Y. Yokota, S. Sugita, K. Kitazato, J.D.P. Deshapriya, D. Perna, T. Morota et al.
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 629, A13 (2019)
  8. The unexpected surface of asteroid (101955) Bennu.
    Lauretta, D.S., DellaGiustina D.N., et al.
    Nature, 568, 55–60 (2019)
  9. Properties of rubble-pile asteroid (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx imaging and thermal analysis.
    D. N. DellaGiustina, J. P. Emery, D. R. Golish, B. Rozitis, C. A. Bennett, K. N. Burke, R.-L. Ballouz, K. J. Becker, P. R. Christensen, C. Y. Drouet d’Aubigny, V. E. Hamilton, D. C. Reuter, B. Rizk, A. A. Simon, E. Asphaug, J. L. Bandfield, O. S. Barnouin, M. A. Barucci,E. B. Bierhaus, R. P. Binzel, W. F. Bottke, N. E. Bowles, H. Campins, B. C. Clark, B. E. Clark,H. C. Connolly Jr., M. G. Daly, J. de Leon, M. Delbo, J. D. P. Deshapriya et al.
    Nature Astronomy, Volume 3, p. 341-351 (2019)
  10. Long-term survival of surface water ice on comet 67P.
    N. Oklay, S. Mottola, J.-B. Vincent, M. Pajola, S. Fornasier, S. F. Hviid, D. Kappel, E. Kuhrt, H. U. Keller, M. A. Barucci, C. Feller, F. Preusker, F. Scholten, I. Hall, H. Sierks, C. Barbieri, P. L. Lamy, R. Rodrigo, D. Koschny, H. Rickman, M. F. A’Hearn, J.-L. Bertaux, I. Bertini, D. Bodewits, G. Cremonese, V. Da Deppo, B. J. R. Davidsson, S. Debei, M. De Cecco, J. Deller, J. D. P. Deshapriya et al.
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl_2, S582–S597 (2017)
  11. The opposition effect of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on post-perihelion Rosetta images.
    Hasselmann, P. H., Barucci, M. A., Fornasier, S., Feller, C., Deshapriya, J. D. P., Fulchignoni, M. et al.
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl_2, S550-S567 (2017)
  12. The highly active Anhur-Bes regions in the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet: results from OSIRIS/ROSETTA observations.
    S. Fornasier, C. Feller, J.-C. Lee, S. Ferrari, M. Massironi, P. H. Hasselmann, J.D.P Deshapriya et al.
    Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue Suppl_2, S93-S107 (2017)
  13. A multivariate statistical analysis on OSIRIS/Rosetta spectrophotometric data of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
    D. Perna, M. Fulchignoni, M. A. Barucci, S. Fornasier, C. Feller, J. D. P. Deshapriya et al.
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 600, A115 (2017)
  14. Surface changes on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko suggest a more active past.
    M. Ramy El-Maarry, O. Groussin, N. Thomas, M. Pajola, A.-T. Auger, B. Davidsson, X. Hu, S. F. Hviid, J. Knollenberg, C. Güttler, C. Tubiana, S. Fornasier, C. Feller, P. Hasselmann, J.-B. Vincent, H. Sierks, C. Barbier, P. Lamy, R. Rodrigo, D. Koschny, H. U. Keller, H. Rickman, M. F. A’Hearn, M. A. Barucci, J.-L. Bertaux, I. Bertini, S. Besse, D. Bodewits, G. Cremonese, V. Da Deppo, S. Debei, M. De Cecco, J. Deller, J. D. P. Deshapriya et al.
    Science, Volume 355, Issue 6332, 1392-1395 (2017)
  15. The pristine interior of comet 67P revealed by the combined Aswan outburst and cliff collapse.
    M. Pajola, S. Höfner, J. B. Vincent, N. Oklay, F. Scholten, F. Preusker, S. Mottola, G. Naletto, S. Fornasier, S. Lowry, C. Feller, P. H. Hasselmann, C. Güttler, C. Tubiana, H. Sierks, C. Barbieri, P. Lamy, R. Rodrigo, D. Koschny, H. Rickman, H.U. Keller, J. Agarwal, M. F. A’Hearn, M.A. Barucci, J.-L. Bertaux, I. Bertini, S. Besse, S. Boudreault, G. Cremonese, V. Da Deppo, B. Davidsson, S. Debei, M. De Cecco, J. Deller, J. D. P. Deshapriya et al.
    Nature Astronomy, Volume 1, id. 0092 (2017)
  16. Rosetta’s comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko sheds its dusty mantle to reveal its icy nature.
    S. Fornasier, S. Mottola, H. U. Keller, M. A. Barucci, B. Davidsson, C. Feller, J. D. P. Deshapriya et al.
    Science, Volume 354, Issue 6319, 1566-1570 (2016)
  17. Detection of exposed H2O ice on the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. as observed by Rosetta OSIRIS and VIRTIS instruments.
    Barucci, M. A. ; Filacchione, G.; Fornasier, S.; Raponi, A.; Deshapriya, J. D. P. et al.
    Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 595, A102 (2016)
  18. Grasping the Nature of Potentially Hazardous Asteroids
    Perna, D.; Dotto, E.; Ieva, S.; Barucci, M. A.; Bernardi, F.; Fornasier, S.; De Luise, F.; Perozzi, E.; Rossi, A.; Mazzotta Epifani, E.; Micheli, M.; Deshapriya, J. D. P.
    The Astronomical Journal, Volume 151, Issue 1, article id. 11, pp. (2016).

Abstracts / Conference presentations: First Author

  1. Investigation of aqueous alteration features on the surface of (101955) Bennu using OSIRIS-REx data.
    J D P Deshapriya, M A Barucci, A Praet, S Fornasier, P H Hasselmann, F Merlin, D N DellaGiustina, V E Hamilton, D R Golish, A A Simon, B E Clark, D C Reuter, D S Lauretta and the OSIRIS-REx team.
    EPSC/DPS 2019, held 15-20 September, 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland, ID EPSC-DPS2019-346
  2. Mapping and changes of exposed bright features on the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
    Deshapriya, J. D. P., Barucci, M. A., Fornasier, S., Hasselmann, P. H., Feller, C., Sierks, H. et al.
    European Planetary Science Congress 2018, held 16-21 September, 2018 in Berlin, Germany, id.EPSC2018-1166
  3. Mapping of exposed bright features on the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
    Deshapriya, J.D.P., Barucci, M.A., Fornasier, S., Hasselmann, P.H., et al.
    Rosetta 49th SWT, Rhodes, Greece , 28 May – 01 June 2018.
  4. A global study of the bright features observed on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko during the Rosetta mission.
    Deshapriya, J. D. P., Barucci, M. A., Fornasier, S., Feller, C., Hasselmann, P. H., Sierks, H. et al.
    European Planetary Science Congress 2017, held 17-22 September, 2017 in Riga, Latvia., id.EPSC2017-186
  5. Spectrophotometric diversity of the Khonsu region on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from OSIRIS observations.
    J. D. P. Deshapriya, M.A. Barucci, S. Fornasier, C. Feller, P. H. Hasselmann, H. Sierks et al. Asteroids, Comets and Meteors 2017, held in Montevideo, Uruguay.
    Poster 2.d.32
  6. Spectrophotometry of the Khonsu region on the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in the context of OSIRIS images.
    Jasinghege Don Prasanna Deshapriya, Maria A. Barucci, Sonia Fornasier, Clement Feller, Pedro H. Hasselmann, Holger Sierks, Mohammed R. El-Maarry et al.
    American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #48, EPSC meeting #11, id.2567210

Abstracts / Conference presentations: Co-author

  1. A search for near-infrared spectral signatures of bright boulders on OSIRIS-REx target asteroid (101955) Bennu by Salvatore Ferrone et al.
    EPSC/DPS 2019, held 15-20 September, 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland, ID EPSC-DPS2019-812
  2. Statistical analysis of spectrophotometry and spectra of (162173) Ryugu
    by Maria Antonietta Barucci et al.
    EPSC/DPS 2019, held 15-20 September, 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland, ID EPSC-DPS2019-337
  3. Spatial variations in hydrated band depth on (101955) Bennu, using OVIRS reflectance spectra by Alice Praet et al.
    EPSC/DPS 2019, held 15-20 September, 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland, ID EPSC-DPS2019-157
  4. OSIRIS-REx mission. Spectroscopy of the surface of Bennu using OVIRS.
    Frederic Merlin, Antonella Barucci, Alice Praet, Prasanna Deshapriya, Pedro Henrique Hasselmann, Sonia Fornasier and the OVIRS team.
    SF2A 2019, Semaine de l’Astrophysique Française, 14-17 May in Nice.
  5. Ryugu and Bennu : two objects of the asteroid-comet continuum population ?
    M.A. Barucci, F. Merlin, P.H. Hasselmann, J.D.P. Deshapriya, A. Praet, S. Fornasier, M. Fulchignoni and Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx teams.
    SF2A 2019, Semaine de l’Astrophysique Française, 14-17 May in Nice.
  6. Multivariate statistical analysis of the surface of (162173) Ryugu using NIRS3 and ONC data obtained by Hayabusa 2.
    P. H. Hasselmann, M. A. Barucci, M. Fulchignoni, J.D.P. Deshapriya and Hayabusa2 team.
    SF2A 2019, Semaine de l’Astrophysique Française, 14-17 May in Nice.
  7. Statistical Analysis of Spectrophotometry and Spectral Variation on the Surface of (162173) Ryugu as Observed by JAXA Hayabusa2 Mission
    Barucci, M. A., Honda, R., Yokota, Y., Sugita, S., Morota, T., Kameda, S., Tatsumi, E., Kitazato, K., Iwata, T., Abe, M., Matsuoka, M., Hiroi, T., Perna, D., Kouyama, T., Suzuki, H., Yamada, M., Sakatani, N., Honda, C., Ogawa, K., Hayakawa, M. Yoshioka, K., Cho, Y., Sawada, H., Hasselmann, P. H., Deshapriya, J. D. P., Fulchignoni, M., Hayabusa2 Team
    50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held 18-22 March, 2019 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 2132, id.1308
  8. Intense Morphological Changes in a dust bank situated at the Khonsu region of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
    Hasselmann, Pedro Henrique, Barucci, Maria Antonietta, Fornasier, Sonia, Bockelee-Morvan, Dominique, Feller, Clement, Deshapriya, Prasanna, Hoang, Van
    European Planetary Science Congress 2018, held 16-21 September 2018 at TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, id.EPSC2018-428
  9. Geomorphology and spectrophotometric properties of the highly active Anhur-Bes regions on the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet.
    Fornasier, S., Feller, C., Lee, J. -C., Ferrari, S., Massironi, M., Hasselmann, P. H., Deshapriya, J. D. P. et al.
    European Planetary Science Congress 2017, held 17-22 September, 2017 in Riga Latvia, id.EPSC2017-169
  10. Detailed analysis of Seth’s circular niches on comet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
    Lucchetti, Alice; Pajola, Maurizio; Fornasier, Sonia; Mottola, Stefano; Penasa, Luca; Jorda, Laurent; Cremonese, Gabriele; Feller, Clement; Hasselmann, Pedro; Massironi, Matteo; Naletto, Giampiero; Deshapriya, Prasanna
    19th EGU General Assembly, EGU2017, held 23-28 April, 2017 in Vienna, Austria., p.13234
  11. Temporal Evolution of Ice Spots on the Nucleus of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Observed by Rosetta.
    Barucci, M. A.; Fornasier, S.; Filacchione, G.; Deshapriya, J. D. P.; Raponi, A.; Tosi, F.; Feller, C.; Ciarniello, M.; Fulchignoni, M.; Sierks, H.; Capaccioni, F.
    Asteroids, Comets, Meteors – ACM2017 – 10-14 April 2017, Montevideo
  12. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Taxonomy of potentially hazardous asteroids (Perna+, 2016).
    Perna, D.; Dotto, E.; Ieva, S.; Barucci, M. A.; Bernardi, F.; Fornasier, S.; de Luise, F.; Perozzi, E.; Rossi, A.; Epifani, E. M.; Micheli, M.; Deshapriya, J. D. P.
    VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/AJ/151/11.
  13. Bright ice spots on the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as observed by Rosetta OSIRIS and VIRTIS instruments.
    Barucci, Maria Antonietta; Fulchignoni, Marcello; Pommerol, Antoine; Erard, Stéphane; Oklay, Nilda; Tosi, Federico; Capaccioni, Fabrizio; Sierks, Holger; Filacchione, Gianrico; Bockelee-Morvan, Dominique; Guettler, Carsten; Fornasier, Sonia; Raponi, Andrea; Deshapriya, J. D. P.; Feller, Clement; Ciarniello, Mauro; Leyrat, Cedric
    41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, abstracts from the meeting that was to be held 30 July – 7 August 2016 at the Istanbul Congress Center (ICC), Turkey
    Abstract id.# B0.4-14-16
  14. The 67P nucleus composition and temporal variations observed by the OSIRIS cameras onboard Rosetta
    Fornasier, Sonia; Barucci, Maria Antonietta; Feller, Clement; Deshapriya, Prasanna J. D.; Pommerol, Antoine; Lara, Luisa; Oklay, Nilda; A’Hearn, Mike; Davidsson, Bjorn; Perna, Davide; Sierks, Holger
    American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #47 Nov-2015, id.500.06
  15. Surface compositional variation on the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by OSIRIS data.
    Barucci, M. A., Fornasier, S., Feller, C., Perna, D., Hasselmann, H., Deshapriya, J. D. P., Fulchignoni, M. et al.
    European Planetary Science Congress 2015, held 27 September – 2 October, 2015 in Nantes, France, id. EPSC2015-177

Miscellaneous publications

  •  Presentation on « Space Tourism » at 1st SPACE Retreat held in Tenerife, Canary Islands during 8-22nd January 2013. The presentation can be downloaded here.
  • Presentation on « Outreach of Astronomy in Sri Lanka » at 5th International Meeting on Astronomy & Astronautics held in Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during 19-21 April, 2012. The presentation can be downloaded here.

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