I thought of publishing this post dedicated to the 7th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics (IMAA) 2014, currently taking place (from 10th of April through 12th of April) in Campos dos Goytacazes in RJ, Brazil as organized by my Brazilian friends at Louis Cruls Astronomy Club. Having taken part at their 5th meeting, It is with pleasure I recall that I managed to expose myself to a rich repository of content focused on astronomy and astronautics back in April 2012. Since then I’ve been following updates on their activities and projects in numerous areas of astronomy and it’s good to see they’re growing and expanding their positive influence to the community, especially in Brazil. As per the updates of on-going event, I’ve received from social media, I believe the 7th meeting has had a great start and is progressing successfully as it reaches the final day today.

7o encontro

Here is a glance at the speakers at 7th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics -2014 as quoted from https://www.eventbrite.com/e/7th-international-meeting-of-astronomy-and-astronautics-tickets-9453462561 where there are more details available.

 - ESA Astronaut Paolo Nespoli (European Space Agency)
 - David Malin (one of the most world´s famous astrophotographers, http://davidmalin.com - TWAN, Australia)
 - Robert Naeye (Magazine Sky and Telescope Editor in Chief : one of the most famous World Magazines about Astronomy )
 - Patrick Miller (Founder and Director of the International Asteroid Search Collaboration - IASC, the unique international program of Asteroid Search with the participation of students)
 - Michael Hibbs (director of the Talerton University Observatory, the biggest telescope in USA for undergraduation)
 - Freddy Pranajaya (Head of Research and Development UTIAS Space Flight Laboratory - Canada)
 - Geilson Loureiro (director of the Laboratory of Integration and Tests (LIT) of the Brazilian National Institute of Space Research (INPE) )
 - José Monserrat Filho (Chefe da Assessoria de Cooperação Internacional da Agência Espacial Brasileira)
 - Gernot Meiser (TWAN - Germany - Developed the StarTruck Odyssey, a mobile observatory and founder of the Astronomy association "Cassiopeia Saarlouis e.V.")
 - Jean-Luc Dighaye (president EurAstro Association - the biggest European Association of Astronomy - 1749 members)
 - Dirk Ross (one of the most world´s famous experts in meteorites, AWB Japan)
 - Hassane Darhmaoui (School of Science & Engineering Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco – UNAWE Coordinator, Morocco)
 - Paulo Leme (MPEA – Instituto de Astronomia e Geofísica – USP)
 - Linas Canas (NUCLIO and GTTP - Portugal)
 - Grupo Astrobiologia Peru
 - Habib Dúmet-Montoya (UFRJ Campus Macaé)
 - Marcelo de Oliveira Souza (UENF e CALC)

I think this list itself gives off an idea about the quality of the event with such a variety of topics covered from veteran individuals from around the world. Further, it’s good to see Dirk Ross returning to the meeting after 2 years and I’m sure he would have more to talk about meteorites. Greetings and best wishes to Marcelo de Oliveira Souza and avid members of Louis Cruls Astronomy Club.


If you’re interested , feel free to browse my post on the last years (6th IMAA) event.

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