
The 6th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics is scheduled to take place from 18th  to 20th of  April 2013 in  Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The 3-day event will feature workshops, interactive mobile planetarium session, exhibitions, star parties as well as resourceful presentations on astronomy and astronautics delivered by  participants from scientific community around the world.  As seen previously during the preceding meetings, this year also the 6th successive meeting promises to bring together various collaborators into a single event where anyone can take part and  learn. The theme of this years event will be « Rumo ao Espaço! » translated as « Toward Space ».

The event is organized by Louis Cruls Astronomy Club with the support of UNESCO office in Brazil, Brazilian Space Agency, Program UNAWE, Astronomers without Borders, Star Peace and Global Teacher Training Program.

Confirmed invited speakers

– Brazilian Astronaut Marcos Pontes
– Pedro Russo ( UNAWE Program – Netherland – Leiden University)
– José Funes ( Director of the Vatican Observatory – Rome – Italy)
– James Thieman (Radio Jove Manager)
– Carlos Gurgel (Brazilian Space Agency)
– Carlos Alexandre Wuensche (INPE – Brazilian National Institute for Space Research)
– Scott Roberts (Explorer Scientific)
– Gennady Saenko ( ROSCOSMOS)
– Laurent Laveder ( France – Project TWAN)
– Nazar Sallam (UAE – Emirados Árabes Unidos)
– Sebastián Musso (President of the Center for Astronomical Studies of Mar del Plata (Centro de Estudios Astronómicos de Mar del Plata) – Argentina)
– Marcos Roberto Palhares ( Marcos Pontes Agency)

Registration & Taking Part

With 8 more days to go, I think still it’s not late to register for the event and see yourself at the 6th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics.  The good NEWS is that the registration is free of charge, with a great sense of encouragement for taking part. You can register yourself using this link and you will find more information about the meeting on the same site.  This would indeed be a wonderful occasion to meet a lot of interesting individuals and share ideas and enjoy the beauty of the science.  If you’re still thinking of submitting an abstract for a presentation I’m not sure whether it is any longer possible. But you can contact the organizers and clarify.

 Traveling in Brazil

Moreover, if you love traveling, the location of the 6th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics, itself might give you a chance to combine your interests.  Southern skies are a fine playground for an amateur astronomer. If you’re more used to northern skies, what you will see in Rio or further south of the country will leave you with a different story. On the other hand, Brazil is a country rich of its own culture, values and social etiquette and would surely inculcate in you, feelings and times to cherish later on. At least for me it was, when I was in Brazil last year for the 5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics, and I’ve been told the same by many others in many places around the planet. The hospitality I received was overwhelming, especially when I arrived in Campos dos  Goytacazes almost a year ago. Even today I can fondly recall the welcome I received on that day from Professor Marcelo Souza, the mastermind behind organizing all the International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics.  The students / members of the Luis Cruls Astronomy Club too were very friendly and helpful throughout my time in  Campos dos  Goytacazes for the event, and even what I experienced with Brazilians, later on during my traveling in Brazil, has been able to leave behind positive remarks. Therefore I see this meeting as a great opportunity to meet interesting people, learn more about something you’re passionate about, combine your astronomy and traveling adventures and what is even important is, it is still not too late as I repeat it’s 8 more days to go.

If you wish to check out, here is an account of my experience at the 5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics, last year.


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