So, if you ended up on this page, I think it’s not by accident and that you’re after fellow Chess players in Rome. Well, you might have come to the right place. You’ll confirm me later:) Based on my experience, I’m gonna list the places to play over-the-board chess in Rome. This piece focusses on places where you just show up and play chess for free without any reservation/ ticket, like in the old school.
- Bar del Fico, address: Via della Pace, 34, 00186 Roma, when: everyday

As the name suggests, this is a bar with a fig tree, located a 3-min walk away from Piazza Navona. Usually, starting from early afternoon, pretty much everyday, you’ll find a bunch of regulars that come and play Chess there. The area to the left side of the bar is usually occupied by these Chess players, who range from neighbours, locals to random tourists that stop by to enjoy a game of Chess. You don’t need to speak Italian and as long as you speak the language of Chess, you’re good to go. There is at least a couple of chess boards and usually they play 5+0, and the winner stays seated and someone replaces the looser. If you’re looking for competitive chess this is the place to be. If you stop by and watch you might get invited for a game or you can directly tell them you’d like to play a game and normally they accomodate.
- Ristorante Santa Lucia, address: Largo Febo 12, Roma, when: every Saturday morning 10:30h-12:30h

This is also a nice place, located a one-minute walk from Piazza Navona. This is a weekly event run by a group of expats in Rome. Chess is played outside the restaurant and there are chairs and tables. The atmosphere here is more relaxed and if it happens to be in summer, it’s also a nice place to start your day with a chess game plus a nice collazione outside. There are different levels usually from beginner to advanced, so there is something for everybody. For some, this event is an excuse to meet up with friends, socialise and have the morning cappuccino with a cornetto al pistacchio. No need to reserve, or anything just show up if you’re up for a game. You don’t have to bring a chess board, but if you do bring one, it will be appreciated.

- Sotto Scacco events, address: varies, when: occasionally

Sotto Scacco events are organised by a group of young locals. The events are usually sporadic and are announced on their Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/sotto_______scacco/. This group is more active in spring/ summer where you can enjoy the nice weather in the evening and play chess at the same time. The location changes usually and these guys are very good at arranging really nice locations with amazing views.
- Bibliobar, address: Lungotevere Castello, 00193 Roma, when: whenever the bar is open
Located just next to the Castel Sant’Angelo, this bar has a garden-size giant chess board and if you fancy playing with big pieces, this is the place to go. Usually, there is pretty much nobody playing and don’t get intimidated thinking it is a decoration item. Sometimes you can see kids moving pieces at will and just messing around with the board and pieces. The photo on the top is the chess board they have.
Finally, if you know other places, where one can spontaneously come and play Chess in Rome, please let me know and I’ll update this list. Happy Chessing in Rome!!